Article: Southern Star

Article: Country Living

Article: Country Living

Article: Image Interiors & Living

Article: Image Interiors & Living

Irish It List, beauty, weddings, perfume, Ireland,

Article: Social and Personal Weddings

Article: New York Times Style Magazine

Article: New York Times Style Magazine

distillation, performance art, fragrance, Ireland

Performative Journey: Distillation

Article: Wallpaper Magazine

Article: Wallpaper Magazine

Article: The Vow

Article: The Vow

Article: Welt

Article: Welt

Article: Sunday Independent

Article: Sunday Independent

Article: The Sunday Times

Article: The Sunday Times

Article: Yay Cork

Article: Yay Cork

Article: Irish Examiner

Article: Irish Examiner

The Laura Fox Show

Article: Aer Lingus

Article: Aer Lingus

Article: Sunday Business Post

Article: Sunday Business Post

Article: WestCorkPeople

Article: WestCorkPeople

perfume, store, Glandore, Ireland, organic

Article: Yay Cork

RTE Lyric culture file, perfume, Ireland

RTE Lyric: Culture File: Joan Woods Perfume Mission

Article: The Gloss

Article: The Gloss

blog, perfume, Ireland, Glandore

Blog: Bonjour Perfume Esxence Diary

perfect bottle of perfume, gift, Ireland, waters+wild, luxury fragrance, christmas, holidays, gift ideas

Article: Irish Independent

Article: The Irish Times

podcast, ireland, perfume, press

Podcast: NewsTalk

Issuu: Spotted, waters+wild, perfume, slow, sustainablity, organic

Article: Issuu

perfume, Glandore, Ireland, fragrance, waters+wild, Joan making signature scents

Article: Irish Examiner

press, fragrance, Ireland, organic, natural

Article: Organico

farmhouse, perfume, ireland, article

Article: Image

Evoke, press, waters+wild, perfume, gift, christmas

Article: Evoke

perfume, Ireland, waters+wild, article, news

Article: Business Post

Article: Southern Star

Article: Southern Star

organic perfume, ireland, article, waters+wild

Article: Basenotes